10 Unusual Coffee Styles

10 Unusual Coffee Styles

Coffee is one of the world’s top commodities and that’s if the coffee exports have anything to say about it.

In June 2015, coffee exports amounted to 9.69 million bags.

Probably one of the reasons behind its popularity is its flexibility.

You can enjoy coffee in so many different ways such as plain and simple, with caramel or chocolate or you can choose to have it piping hot or ice cold and even combine it with ice cream.

It may be one of the most consumed drinks in the world however some people have strange ways of downing it.

And while some people like it roasted and homebrewed, others prefer some rather unusual types of coffee that are made from strange ingredients and make use of even stranger methods.

Below you’ll find a list of some of the most unusual types of coffee from around the world.

10 Strange Types of Coffee You’ve  Probably Never Heard Of

1. Cortado

Cortado Coffee

This is a popular coffee drink in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal. It also bears some resemblance to the Macchiato.

The process is relatively simple and you start with espresso and then top it off with a layer of milk.

Where the difference comes with the Cortado is that it does not use the milk foam but instead uses frothed milk with a high consistency.

The milk can also be at a slightly lower temperature than the espresso allowing the milk to complement the espresso and decrease some of its acidity.

2. Flat White

Flat White Coffee

This coffee originated in New Zealand or Australia, as both claim the invention. It can be considered a variation of the Café Latte but has a stronger flavor of coffee.

Unlike the traditional method of the Café Latte, instead, you start with two shots of espresso as opposed to one and then add three shots worth of steamed milk and finally top it all up with microfoam.

The double shot gives it the stronger coffee flavor and the microfoam, well, is just regular foam gathered on top of the beverage.

3. Affogato

Affogato Coffee

Affogato coffee is delicious, to say the least. It’s much like iced coffee except instead of using regular ice, you get to use ice cream.

The beverage is believed to have originated in Milan, Italy, and employs gelato which is an Italian style ice cream.

However, any ice cream will do. The word “Affogato” translates to “drowned” and this is symbolic of the ice cream as it melts and makes specs on the coffee.

So in order to make this cup of coffee, you need to place the ice cream in a cup and then pour a hot shot of freshly brewed espresso into the cup over the ice-cream.

If you prefer you could also add two shots instead of one but this should be done gradually by adding the first shot and waiting for the ice cream to float and then adding the second shot.

4. Nitro Brew Coffee

Nitro Brew Coffee

This coffee stands out and that’s because of its special ingredient. If you guessed love, unfortunately, it’s not.

Instead, the secret ingredient is nitrogen. Coffee is infused with nitrogen to give it a creamy head and thick brew much like that of beer.

However, there is no alcohol and no one will give you that look for having it at 10 am.

5. Monkey Spit Coffee

Monkey Face In Coffee Cup

Another exotic variant of unusual coffee is known as the Monkey Spit Coffee.

It originated in Taiwan where the Formosan Macaque monkeys eat coffee and spit out the seed because they are unable to digest it.

This spit-up seed is collected and made into coffee beans which give the coffee a distinct vanilla flavor.

6. Kopi Luwak

Cat Poop Coffee

Civet coffee or more commonly referred to as Kopi Luwak originated in Indonesia and is probably one of the most exorbitantly priced coffees in the world.

And if you’re wondering why this is, then the surprising truth is that these beans are collected from the feces of Civet cats who will feast on coffee from plantations.

The digestive process is believed to intensify the flavor of the coffee.

7. Pumpkin Coffee

Coffee Made From Pumpkin

This seasonal beer has a bit of a twist. However, since there’s alcohol in it, it’s worth a shot at some point.

This is a stout made with dark roasted malts and cold-pressed coffee beans. Some of the other ingredients include vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves as well.

The cold-pressed beans add a subtle, yet distinct coffee flavor to the brew and makes this spice latte definitely worth trying.

8. Kaffeost


If you didn’t already know, lumps of cheese in coffee is actually a thing. This exotic drink is called Kaffeost.

It’s of Swedish origin and involves the tradition of dipping cheese into coffee or placing a few pieces of cheese in a cup and pouring coffee over it.

However, the cheese used is a specific type called Leipäjuusto. It is made from the first milk of reindeer, goat’s, or cows and can be found in northern Sweden and Finland.

9. Cardamom Coffee

Cardamom Coffee

This type of coffee definitely has an acquired taste. It requires sparkling water, cardamom syrup, and needs a cold brew.

You need to start by putting dates, date sugar, cane sugar, and cardamom pods into a saucepan and stir for 20 minutes.

Once this is done, the process is relatively simple and involves you putting the cardamom date syrup with a cold brew and then pouring ice and topping it with sparkling water.

10. Guillermo coffee

Iced Guillermo Coffee

This type of coffee involves putting lime in your coffee.

You may be accustomed to lime being used in your gin and tonic or in a Mexican beer, however this time you need to put it in your coffee.

It might sound a bit weird, but it’s going to taste scrumptious.

You need to start by putting two pieces of lime in the bottom of your espresso cup and then pouring the espresso over and you have a Guillermo coffee.

You can choose to add sugar and milk to this mixture or have it only with the lime.

The Verdict

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world.

And while you may have heard that too much coffee is bad for you, drinking it in moderation has lots of benefits.

It is believed that coffee can improve your energy levels and make you smarter.

This is because it contains a stimulant called caffeine which ultimately, improves aspects of brain function such as memory, reaction times, mood, vigilance, and overall mental function.

It also helps to reduce body fat and may be effective in preventing diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease.

Coffee is also one of the biggest sources of antioxidants in the Western diet and may even provide you with more antioxidants than you would get out of fruits and vegetables together.

So with all of these benefits and more, it could be said that coffee is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet, not to mention one of the most versatile drinks in the world.

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